How To Safely Drive Through Road Construction
Summer Season here on the East Coast is often jokingly referred to as "Construction Season" and for good reason. With a short window to get road work done, crews are out in full force as soon as weather permits to ensure that our highways and byways are in great condition for our travels. With more road work sites on the horizon, here are our tips on how to drive safely through road construction.
Be Patient
Road work is difficult, long, and thankless work. Sometimes it takes a while to get through a site, so patience is key. Take your time, follow posted speed limits, and pay attention to the flaggers. Their job is to keep you and their coworkers safe. Let them do it.
Be Prepared
Local news radio and websites will keep you informed of local construction. If you hear of some on your route, consider changing it, or leaving early to get through and to work on time. Preparation is key.
Bring a "Book"
If you have a long commute, construction is going to extend that. Download an audiobook or a podcast before you leave to help keep you entertained on the route.
Be Safe
We mentioned above making sure to follow posted speed limits in construction zones, but we feel that being safe bears repeating. In addition to following the speed limit, don't tailgate. Give you and your fellow drivers enough space and time to stop quickly if need be. A good unwritten rule is to stay behind other cars and suv's far enough back that you can see their rear tires.
Summertime can mean some fantastic road trips, but make sure you keep yourself and road crews safe!